Tap Airlines Stopover


Stopover allows passengers to stay in the city of call/connection, where you can get to know one more city. That is, with this service the passenger gets two trips for the price of one. Thus, TAP allows long-haul passengers (in this case from North America), to stay in Lisbon (the HUB), for a limited cost or without any before travelling to their final destination.

Digital Marketing Strategist / UX Designer
(part of a team of 11)

TAP Airlines



the challenge

TAP intends to be the company to travel to Europe but for that, it would have to overcome 3 major challenges:

  • Make TAP known as an alternative airline to travel to Europe;

  • To make Lisbon known, increasing the attractiveness of the offer with the additional destination, to Americans looking for European “classic” destinations;

  • Facilitate the search and purchase process for this travel alternative.

The goals

The main goal of this strategy and approach launched by TAP was to take Americans to travel by TAP to Europe, under the pretext of having another additional destination, Lisbon, passing through to the final destination.

  • To make known to North Americans that TAP was a mean of reaching the
    Europe, thereby increasing brand awareness;

  • Make known what a Stopover is and its advantages when booking a trip with only 1 destination (direct flight);



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User Research & Personas 

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User Journeys

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Brand Identity

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Digital Strategy

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Experience Design

The "Lisbon changes the story" campaign had a great emotional component that, due to the characteristics of the Stopover product "gave the user the opportunity to change the history of their trip. With this concept an interactive website was created where the user would have the power to decide your trip.

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The first section to occupy 100% of the screen, simulates the stopover experience. Through the QR code or a dynamically generated link, the user synchs the smartphone with the website, and on the mobile phone screen, through the action of the mobile phone rotation through 180º, it can change its history.


In doing so, the video that is playing on desktop (monotonous plane flight), moves to a video about Lisbon, appealing to the most emotional side. This way, it is intended that users realize that, with a simple gesture, they can change their history and enjoy the city of Lisbon by adding another destination to the trip.

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Site Map

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